Running on Empty

Testimony of Doug Mindek

Growing up in McDonald, a small town near Pittsburgh, in Western Pennsylvania, I was not much different than most guys my age. As a teenager, I loved cars and drag racing, and most of my extra time and money went into my car or for my girlfriend, Connie (who eventually became my wife). Sports were fun, and I played Babe Ruth baseball, wrestled, and ran cross-country at Fort Cherry High School. There was even some time for religion and church-the local Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. It was there that I heard the Word of God, but I ran from Him and and only attended because of Connie. My life was shallow and empty, and I easily slipped into drinking and partying with my friends. We made many wild and dangerous trips to West Virginia, where the drinking age was 18.

At the age of 20, I was married and entered the U.S. Navy. Those, plus our first child brought some changes to my lifestyle, but did little to satisfy the void in my life. We had our family, enjoyed our second child, and the Navy provided security, yet I continued to run from God.

Somehow I knew the answers for my life were in Him. I was living and having fun, but I was running on empty-no contentment, no purpose, and no direction.

However, in February 1968, God, through His grace and mercy, began to show me that He loved me and that I needed Him. Through a series of problems and difficulties, He brought me to a place of repentance. With my wife, I knelt in our living room and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, I found forgiveness for my sin, the gift of Eternal Life, and real satisfaction. An empty life was now filled! I began to “run” for Him-to live for Him and to serve Him.

Cars, alcohol, sports, church, religion, and any other earthly thing will not produce lasting contentment. It can only be found through a personal encounter with the Living Almighty God, and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who filled up my empty life. He will do the same for you. If you are searching for meaning and contentment, if you have an “emptiness” that needs to be filled, give your life to Jesus Christ.

PRAY: Lord Jesus, forgive me. I am a sinner. I give you my life because you want to be my Lord. I thank you for your forgiveness and eternal life.

(1 John 1:9)

BELIEVE: God’s Word is Truth. Trust in Jesus Christ for who He is and what He has done.

(Romans 10:8-9)

RECEIVE: Receive, by faith, Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

(John 1:12)

BECOME: Become a child of God and a new Creation in Christ Jesus.

(John 1:12)

LIVE: Live a life of seeking His Kingdom. It is the best way!

(Matthew 6:33)