Group Riding Protocols

Welcome to the California North Coast Chapter of the Harley Owners Group! The intent of this document is to provide all those who ride with us the useful information helpful in promoting a safe group riding environment. Please keep in mind that these "Suggested Do's and Don'ts" are not intended to restrict your freedom but instead, to help ensure that we all return home safely.
Running on Empty

Growing up in McDonald, a small town near Pittsburgh, in Western Pennsylvania, I was not much different than most guys my age. As a teenager, I loved cars and drag racing, and most of my extra time and money went into my car or for my girlfriend, Connie (who eventually became my wife). Sports were fun, and I played Babe Ruth baseball, wrestled, and ran cross-country at Fort Cherry High School. There was even some time for religion and church
Welcome to Riders For Christ - CMC

Revelation 19:11- I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True
Our Purpose
1. To promote fellowship with Christian motorcycle enthusiasts,
2. To build bridges to un-churched motorcycle riders,
3. To bring glory to Jesus Christ through various Rides, Cruise-Ins, the Blessing of the Bikers, and projects in our local community and world.